This site is about Network Marketing, an exiting career choice that can make you rich and free in the next two to five years without interfering with your present job or business.
If you always curse your luck for misfortunes, please remember that you are hundred percent responsible for what you are in your life. You are the maker of your destiny by your own hands. Your past has made your present. Your present will make your future.
What you are today is the fruits of what you have done in the past. Future is still in your hand provided if you are cautious enough to keep your present in order. Hence, never curse your luck for misfortunes but face the reality boldly.
Accepting self-responsibility for your life and realizing that your thoughts, words and actions will decide your future, can bring about a major change in your attitude towards life. You are only responsible for your life and your future. So proceed and grow real rich both in money and mind.
There are many ways to make money. Just look at all the employment offers in the classified advertisements. You’ll find all kinds of ways to make money. If you ask a career consultant, you’ll be overwhelmed with the choices available for making money.
But have you noticed? They are really all the same. They are all jobs. There are only three ways to make money.
1) Trade your time for money.
2) Invest your money to earn more money.
3) Invest your time to create both more time and money.
Let’s discuss one by one.
First Way: Trading Your Time For Money
All employment descriptions in the classified advertisements are jobs. These are examples of the first way of making money-trading your time for money. You attend job, you spend your time and you get paid for your particular time.
All the employees and all self-employed persons fall into this category. If you have to be there to get paid-it’s job.
A job is a financial restraint. It limits how far you can earn. It most of the time bothers you for your future. To be frank, it might pay you about 25 percent of what you are really worth-probably less than that. Because your employer has to make money-a lot of money. This is possible when he or she pays you less than what he or she charges customers for what you produce.
People using this financial vehicle never have any time to do anything else, because they spend it all chasing money. For people with a job, time is money-literally. When you don’t put in the time, you don’t get any money. So, you work all the time, trying to get ahead, hoping that working longer and working harder will bring success.
No matter how hard you work. Working harder for more hours is not the answer. You’re on a treadmill, and it’s deadly stressful.
Tell me, if you worked twice as long-would you earn twice as much?
If you worked twice as hard-would you earn twice the income you get?
Could you work twice as hard or twice as many hours as you do now? It’s next to impossible!
Self-employed persons face the same challenge. It is a job if you have to be there. It’s a job if your income is limited by the amount of time that you can spend working. This is true for highly paid doctors and lawyers, too. If they don’t show up, they don’t get paid.
This first way of making money was not designed for your success. It’s for your employer. You generally work for someone else’s success.
A job takes your time and gives you money-not a living, just money, and less than you deserve-in return. Your productive time is your only real asset. Spending your time, selling your time for an income, you continually face the challenge of truly making a living.
Your time is limited. You have only 24 hours a day, 168 hours a week. And that’s the same amount everyone else has, too. So you do have time, but it’s limited; and when it’s gone, it’s gone for ever.
In the past, the only two ways to break through the income plateau were to make your time more valuable with more education, or with more experience-or both.
But today there is no correlation between college degrees and steadily increasing earnings. There is no connection between higher education and financial security.
A job is not the best way for creating the life and the security that you want. Trading time for money constricts your future.
Second Way: Investing Your Money
The second way of making money is to leverage your savings or other money that you don’t require to pull on your days-excess money. You can invest that money in the stock market, real estate, limited partnerships, mutual funds, or other investment opportunities.
Third Way: Investing Your Time
The third way of making money is to leverage or invest your time in other people. Leveraging time is the real key to all lasting wealth in the world. When you leverage your time, you create more time and more money. 90 percent of the millionaires made their fortune in this way.
The best media to earn wealth and freedom is people. Look at this –a word of advice from one of history’s richest men, J.paul Getty;
“I would rather earn one percent of a hundred people’s efforts than 100 percent of my own.”
You must learn to organize other people for mutual benefit with an attractive earning opportunity.
When you help enough other people to get what they want in life, then you can have whatever you want. You need to own a business system that leverages time.
We all serve people in the process of providing products and services. More sales volume equals to more income. The important things are the potential demand and the capability of the distributing the products or services that you deal with. The main important thing is to serve an unlimited number of people.
When you control the volume, you control your future. You can do this by investing your time in unlimited people.
Time is most important. Let’s consider how you can leverage your time.
No one can make a business all alone. You need the help, energy, efforts, creative ideas, support and time of a team of people to build a substantial business with reliable income and growth. The growth requires leverage.
The history of business is the chronicle of people finding better ways to leverage time. All business owners want residual income-money that keeps coming in even when they are not there physically working, running the business.
Entrepreneurs have always found creative ways to organize people that continue to produce sales volume and income, even when the business owner was not physically present. The history of business is the story of the pursuit of residual income, and that’s why it is also the history of leveraging time.
The beginning of free enterprise was the self-sufficient farmer bartering with his neighbor. If you had rice and your neighbor had wheat, you would trade with each other by exchanging the products.
Soon, money became more valuable, because you could use it buy things from people who didn’t want your rice. So, you sold your rice for cash instead of trading them.
You were in the rice business.
You found out very quickly that you could produce only so much of rice.
You realized the limit of your own time and effort.
Your income from your rice business peaked.
But that wasn’t so bad. You had a successful rice business, even though it was not growing. You were serving people by providing products they needed. You had created a certain amount of sales volume. You didn’t have any competition. Most of your neighbors and family thought you were doing very well.
The problem was that you were ambitious and wanted more income, but your business had no leverage. The question was how to increase the production of rice you could make in a year, since you had to stop to eat and sleep, and you were already working as many hours as it was possible to work.
You had no more time to put into the business.
You needed a better way to serve more people and create more volume.
One solution is to bring in a partner, but a partner will want to own part of the business. You don’t want to give away part of the business that you have built with your own sweat, courage and all those sleepless nights. You don’t want to give up any creative control. You don’t want to share the responsibility or the profits.
Solution: You need to leverage your time.
There are four ways to leverage time in a business.
One: Hire Employees
By hiring employees, you can somewhat duplicate your time and effort. Employees do not require ownership in the business, and you usually only need to pay them less than 25 percent of their actual productivity and contribution to your business volume.
Limitations: When you start a business that relies on employees for creating sales volume, then, in order to grow, you will always need more employees
Often, employees are interested in doing very little in return for their pay, and they are notoriously unreliable and expensive. Some of them are downright hard to get along with. Theft and absenteeism are expensive problems that often come with employees.
The really good employees work hard and learn as much as they can about the business. They become very good managers of your business. But then one day, they become your competitor when they quit, opening their own business right across the street from you.
Moreover, the number of employees that you can hire is also limited. They cost money. They need space, desks and equipment and telephones and tools. They have to be paid regularly, and they ask for raises. They demand all kinds of benefits like health insurances and vacation pay, and the government makes you pay part of their taxes.
If you had more sales volume you could afford more employees, but you need more employees to create more sales volume. It’s a catch22.
What’s your next step for continued growth and survival?
Create width.
Two: Expand With Chain Stores
You discover a growing area across town. It presents an opportunity for you to open a second business identical to your first one. So, you duplicate your successful operation. Now you have two locations. This growth is known as horizontal leverage, or width.
Limitations: Opening more locations creates only width-no depth. Width takes all your time. You own the business, but it seems like the business owns and controls you now.
Owning and leasing more real estate and setting up business with all the necessary equipment, inventory and employees is prohibitively expensive.
But you are committed to building the business, so selling out is not an option.
What’s your next step for continued growth?
Create depth.
Three: Franchise Your Business
You were topped out with new locations. Your income and your opportunities for growth had plateau, once again. You knew there were untapped opportunities to open more locations and to create more volume by serving more people, but you did not have the resources to open them. Yet, you imagined your business operating successfully on a national scale.
Your next step is to sell other people the right of duplicate your business success.
So you find some people who want to own their own business. You charge them a small fortune for your proven business plan and for your expertise, which you promise to teach them, and for the advertising that you promise to run to help them succeed.
This is your business depth.
Limitations: The main limitations of franchising are:
1) The person who buys a franchise cannot expand the business, and
2) Not everyone can get involved, because of various qualifications required, such as previous experience in business, a credit history, and having the money to buy and keep one operating.
Four: Network Marketing
Network Marketing, the fourth way of leveraging time, is an exciting, effective business idea that solves the limitations of franchising. It goes one step further in the quest for creating residual income. It adds unlimited business depth.
Network Marketing is a business concept that has been misunderstood and mistrusted in the same way that franchising was not accepted in its early days in the 60s thinking it a pyramid scheme.
Network Marketing is a unique business idea. It is not an illegal pyramid scheme.
It has all the advantages of the other three ways of leveraging time in a business, but none of their limitations.
Network Marketing adds unlimited vertical dimensions of depth that is made possible with today’s computers. It is "in-depth marketing."
In Network Marketing, anybody at any level in the business can expand the business network because there are no territorial restrictions. Anybody can get involved in a Network Marketing business opportunity, because it requires very little money, very little time, and no other mandatory qualifications to get started.
In Network Marketing you have a reliable supplier for quality, competitive products and services that people need and want to buy.
You have a support system for training and motivation.
You have a few good customers.
You have no employees, not overhead, no capital requirements and no debt.
The opportunity to leverage time is unlimited in Network Marketing.
You can expand your depth indefinitely, because everyone whom you bring into your business network has the same opportunity that you have to build a business with unlimited width and depth. Every business in the network is free to pursue the opportunity to leverage its time to the fullest with the intent of serving the greatest possible number of people and creating the largest possible sales volume of products and services.